Sliding Door: A New Style of Living in Limited Spaces

Utilizing Japanese Traditional Design for Modern Homes

COVID-19 has drastically changed our lifestyle, with remote work and online learning becoming the new norm. However, limited housing space poses challenges for creating a productive and comfortable environment. Inspired by these difficulties, designer Masaki Suzuki has developed a unique solution using Japanese traditional sliding doors to redefine the way we live.

Suzuki's renovation project for an apartment house seamlessly blends modern functionality with the elegance of Japanese sliding doors. Traditionally, sliding doors have been used in Japan to connect with nature and create flexible living spaces. In this design, 10 continuous sliding doors replace a solid wall, offering a high degree of freedom and versatility. The result is a space that allows natural light to flow into the corridor and can be adapted to various situations.

One of the key strengths of this design is its ability to provide a relaxing and efficient living environment even in limited spaces. The continuous sliding doors, along with the workspace desk and TV board, are made of the same plywood, creating a cohesive and warm atmosphere. The wooden frames of the glass sliding doors are carefully matched to the owners' furniture, adding a touch of personalization. The corridor floor, finished with continuous tiles from the entrance, creates an open and spacious ambiance reminiscent of a traditional Japanese townhouse.

Functionally, the sliding doors offer a range of possibilities for interaction and privacy. The 10 doors glide smoothly on two rails, allowing users to control the level of connection between different areas. For families with small children, the sliding doors can create separate spaces, providing privacy and independence. Shelves placed along the corridor can be easily accessed from both sides, blurring the boundary between the room and the corridor. In the living room, a workspace partitioned by glass sliding doors allows for flexible connection with the rest of the family.

The project, which took place in Chiba prefecture, Japan, from February to July 2020, presented several challenges. One of the main obstacles was incorporating natural lighting into the existing apartment's inner corridor, which often lacked sufficient light. Through extensive research and exploration of traditional Japanese architecture, the continuous sliding doors were conceived as a solution to bring natural light from the bedrooms into the corridor. Fine adjustments were made on-site to ensure smooth movement of the sliding doors on the slightly distorted existing structure.

The innovative design by Masaki Suzuki has garnered recognition and acclaim. It was awarded the Iron A' Design Award in the Interior Space, Retail, and Exhibition Design category in 2022. This prestigious award honors well-designed, practical, and innovative creations that meet professional and industrial requirements. The sliding door design stands out for its seamless integration of industry best practices and competent technical characteristics, contributing to a better world.

With the sliding door design, Masaki Suzuki has revolutionized the way we live in limited spaces. By combining the functionality of sliding doors with modern aesthetics, this design offers a unique and elegant solution for contemporary living.

Project Details and Credits

Project Designers: Masaki Suzuki
Image Credits: Photographer: Koji Okumura / Forward Stroke Inc.
Project Team Members: Masaki Suzuki
Project Name: Sliding Door
Project Client: Masaki Suzuki

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